I am a psychiatry resident at MGH/McLean Hospital. I am passionate about understanding what makes us intelligent and how these processes go awry in mental illness. I am broadly interested in computational psychiatry, particularly at the interface of cognitive science and psychiatry. My current work focuses on how cognitive resource limitations may give rise to psychopathology. I hope to develop and apply resource-rational theories of cognition to better understand, diagnose, prognosticate, predict therapeutic response, and develop new treatments for mental illness.
I received my BS in Biomedical Engineering from Georgia Tech where I worked with Garrett Stanley. I completed my MD/PhD at Johns Hopkins and pursued a PhD with Jeremiah Cohen. I characterized the neural circuitry (particularly cortico-basal-ganglia circuits) underlying flexible decision making. I collaborated with Tricia Janak's lab to better characterize the role of basal ganglia circuits in motivated behavior and Charlie Bradberry’s lab to characterize reversal learning behavior in squirrel monkeys. I currently work with Sam Gershman on resource-bounded rationality.
Outside of my core research focus, I am interested in causal inference (particularly from observational data), statistical modeling, and medical decision making.
MD, 2021
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
PhD in Neuroscience, 2021
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
BS in Biomedical Engineering, 2011
Georgia Institute of Technology